Review Article
Evaluation of Sugar Industry in Turkey by Using Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Sugar has been one of the important foodstuffs of people for centuries. A large part of this need arises from the human demand for energy. Until the 18th century, this energy need in the world was met from sugar cane. However, in the 19th century, it is seen that the production of sugar beet, which is a substitute for sugar cane,started in the world. In today's world, 79% of the sugar production is produced from sugar cane and the remaining 21% is obtained from sugar beet. In this context, when the sugar sector is examined, it is seen that around 120 countries around the world produce approximately 160 million tons per year. Considering that the sugar market is the most protected market in Turkey, it is important to examine this sector in terms of agricultural economy. In this study, the competition analysis of the strategically important sugar sector will be made and it is thought that it will be an important resource for new entrants to the sector. For this purpose, the competition conditions of the sector were tried to be analyzed by using Porter Five Forces Analysis in this study. It is seen that there is a lack of such a study on the competitiveness of the sugar sector in Turkey when the literature study is conducted. In this sense, it is thought that this study will contribute to the related literature.
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